Monday, October 3, 2011

And here with us today is...

Alaina, she is staying home today. She doesn't feel all that well one because of a very long sunday and Hattie decided that she wanted to wake up about every two hours last night. So that meant everybody else in the house woke up too. Doctors and parenting experts alike say that it is very important for babies to be on a schedule especially in the first few months but this also carries over into toddlers. It's hard for young children to determine when day and night are. For instance when Hattie wakes up at midnight she is ready to play. She has no idea what time it is or what time even means. This creates a dilemma  for parents because we know that she needs to sleep and we need to sleep. So usually we have to go through the whole process of giving her some milk and usually she will go back to sleep pretty quickly but now it's 1am and you are wide awake. This usually only happens when we get off schedule on the weekends. It's not something that can be helped because we don't know what our weekends will look like sometimes until after they have already happened. And I know a lot of people hate mondays. I especially hate mondays. We get back from the weekend and now I've to make sense of all of the stuff that we packed for the weekend. This is one reason I have greatly reduced the amount of clothes I pack. That way I don't have to sort everything out when I get home I can just dump everything in the dirty clothes. Speaking of which I need to get on that...

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